The new law bans the use of fingerprints for access control and employee clocking-in

Starting this year, new legislation comes into force prohibiting companies from using fingerprints for facility access and employee timekeeping. This measure, designed to protect the privacy and biometric data of employees, forces companies to look for secure and efficient alternatives to the use of fingerprints. At Esferize, we understand the importance of complying with current regulations and therefore offer an advanced solution using NFC cards.


Why is the use of fingerprints banned?

The use of fingerprints for access control and clocking-in has been widely adopted for its convenience and security. However, the collection and storage of biometric data raises serious concerns about the privacy and security of personal information. The main reasons for this prohibition include:

  1. Data privacy: Fingerprints are highly sensitive information. In the event of a security breach, biometric data can be more difficult to protect and recover than other types of data.
  2. Consent and workers’ rights: Legislation emphasises the need to obtain explicit consent from employees for the use of their biometric data, which can be a complex and sensitive process.
  3. Security risks: Although biometric systems are generally secure, they are not without vulnerabilities. Unauthorised access to these data could have serious consequences.


Our alternative: NFC cards

In response to this new regulation, Esferize proposes the use of NFC cards as a secure, efficient and easy to implement alternative for access control and employee clocking.

What is NFC technology?

NFC technology enables short-range wireless communication between devices. By using cards equipped with NFC chips, it is possible to manage access to facilities and time control without the need for physical contact or biometric data.

Advantages of NFC cards

  1. Enhanced security: NFC cards provide a high level of security thanks to data encryption and multi-factor authentication capabilities.
  2. Privacy protection: Unlike biometric data, NFC cards do not store sensitive personal information, significantly reducing the risk of privacy breaches.
  3. Ease of use: Employees only need to swipe their card over an NFC reader to check in or access the facility, simplifying the process and reducing waiting time.
  4. Quick and cost-effective implementation: NFC cards are easy to distribute and set up, allowing companies to quickly adapt to new regulations without incurring large expenses.
  5. Versatility: NFC cards can be integrated with other enterprise systems, such as time and attendance, restricted area access control and internal services, providing a consistent, end-to-end solution.


How does our NFC card system work?

Our access control and clocking system using NFC cards includes:

  • Personalised card distribution: We provide personalised NFC cards for each employee, which can include the company logo and other relevant information.
  • NFC readers: We install NFC readers at access points and clocking stations, ensuring complete and efficient coverage.
  • Management software: We offer intuitive management software that allows administrators to monitor and record entries and exits, generate reports and manage access permissions.


The new legislation banning the use of fingerprints for access control and clocking-in represents a significant change for businesses, but also an opportunity to improve employee security and privacy. At Esferize, we are committed to providing innovative and secure solutions that comply with current regulations. NFC cards are a viable and effective alternative that ensures the protection of personal data and facilitates the process of access and presence management.

For more information about our NFC card solutions and how they can benefit your business, please contact us. We are here to help you navigate this regulatory change with confidence and security.