ChatGPT Plus arrives in Spain and users who have signed up for the waiting list at OpenAI now have the possibility to subscribe to the paid service. At a cost of $20 + VAT per month – around €25 at the current exchange rate – ChatGPT Plus offers interesting new features over the free service we have been using until now:

Priority access

As a regular user of ChatGPT, it is not uncommon for me to be unable to use the tool, especially after 15:00h, coinciding with the wake-up time in North America. OpenAI promises availability during peak periods.

Increased speed of interaction

It is true that especially in periods of high load, the completions to prompts are very slow. They even cut out and we are locked out of the service. According to OpenAI’s announcement, Plus users of the service will not experience, or will see reduced, unavailability of the service.

Priority access to new functionalities

For the time being, there is no further information on this. We will have to wait and see how these new features affect the paying user.

It should be noted that this payment plan only affects ChatGPT. But not its payment system for access to the OpenAI API and its different language models. Both for training and for consulting customised models, which are worth mentioning due to their great potential at a professional and business level.

We have started testing the payment plan now

Will it be worth the expense or the investment?

This is a matter for each user and company to determine, as there is no such thing as cheap or expensive in a market economy, but rather a balance of cost versus benefit.

Does the increased productivity of conversational artificial intelligence justify the monthly recurrent?

The answers to these questions will depend on multiple factors, such as personal or corporate economy, real utility, the sector of our business and parameters that only regular use of the tool will discern.

We will take some time to judge whether or not it is worth the monthly cost of access —and therefore whether or not we continue to pay for it— and its possible repercussions with the new features that Microsoft will soon be introducing in its office suite following the de facto adoption of OpenAI as its artificial intelligence engine across its service architecture.


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