There are many possibilities for reinventing Wi-Fi networks through innovation. Most of the traditional definitions in the wireless sector will be blurred by developments in technology, regulation and business. The terms between which the differences will narrow are: licensed and unlicensed, service provider and enterprise, and public and private. The biggest innovation will be the influence and convergence between Wi-Fi and mobile: 802.11ax. The main objective of this new standard is to improve the actual connection speed of each device. So that the user will notice a real increase in the connection speed of each device.

Other possible improvements

  • The widespread use of analytics to drive the optimisation and cost-effectiveness (RoI) of user experience and business processes.
  • Continued virtualisation of network services to enable providers to scale more efficiently and launch new services faster. Developing cloud-managed platforms to successfully combine best-of-breed technologies.
  • Securing, managing and scaling IoT (Internet of Things) platforms that leverage multiple sensor types and Wireless protocols. Aiming to provide business intelligence for enterprises and cities.
  • Improving Wi-Fi spectral efficiency and network capacity through multi-user techniques such as MU-MIMO and OFDMA. In addition, together with intelligent scheduling schemes that steer the Wi-Fi connection away from CSMA/CA.

In Esferize, as always, we remain attentive to new trends in this and other sectors that allow us to transfer to our customers, innovative and efficient solutions to continue adding value and growing with each project. Finally, we would like to remind you that if you have any doubts or queries about networks or any other of the areas in which we offer services, all you have to do is contact us. Our team of professionals will respond as soon as possible.


Source: Redes&Telecom