The future of voice in expert hands

The evolution of enterprise telephony is already a fact. Virtualized platforms and cell phones have a lot to say in this regard, and companies have to be up to date. We specialize in projects that involve special difficulties, such as the interconnection of PBXs in multi-site environments and integration with IP-Trunking SIP technology operators. You can choose from a wide range of enterprise voice products: communication servers, gateways, telephone terminals, DECT systems and advanced applications such as call centers, call recorders and tariffers.

We are specialists

Fifteen years successfully implementing voice solutions for business


Your tailored suit

Your business is unique. The solution we offer is likewise unique.


Sleep in peace

We look after your voice communications 24/7


Virtual switchboard in the cloud

We provide you with a solution in unified communications, combining mobile and landline in any device, thereby avoiding unnecessary investments in hardware and operating costs

Physical switchboard

The current trend towards communications in the cloud does not eliminate the need for physical switchboards in many environments. We offer your a comprehensive portfolio in traditional switchboards, with pure IP or IP modules

Virtual “on premises” switchboard

We furthermore offer you a practical and profitable solution for those companies requiring all the features and services of a virtual switchboard, but who prefer to host it on their premises, under their own control.
