We help you become more competitive through our company communications solutions, security, cloud computing, web development and operational intelligence. Freshness for your business.
They are excellent people; they are professional, approachable and committed. You can be sure that they always bring you solutions, never problems. I can assure you that they are great collaborators, they have never let us down in the numerous projects we have tackled together.
Enrique Tort de la Torre IT Systems Management and Provisioning Manager
Thanks to the Zeus system, we know the environmental conditions of our data centers and technical rooms at all times, which allows us to be proactive in monitoring and to receive alerts in case of emergency. In this way, our equipment and systems have an agile and personalized 24-hour security guard.
Diego Gonzalez Moral Corporate Director of IT Infrastructure and Operations
This tool allows us to help improve the life of the fish, invertebrates and plants we receive in our stores. This way we can offer quality and safety to our customers when they buy in our centers. Creating, developing and installing the tool was a team effort where we all felt very comfortable working together.
Marcel Osborne Pet & Reptile Operations Manager Kiwoko